As a woman in construction and mother of a daughter, I feel privileged to live and work in a society that focuses on lifting up its girls and women. I support and celebrate International Women in Engineering Day. This day holds significance in my life and it should matter to all of us.

Supporting International Women in Engineering Day is one way to advocate for equal opportunities for women in STEM. By actively participating in events and initiatives that promote women in engineering, we set powerful examples. I want my daughter to grow up knowing she can pursue any career she desires, without limitations imposed by societal expectations. I want her to have access to inspiring role models who demonstrate engineering is not only for men but for everyone with passion and talent.

This day affords us the opportunity to raise the profile of women engineers and highlight the amazing career opportunities available. For those of us seeking employment, we can explore companies that support women in their advertising, available positions, and internal practices.

International Women in Engineering Day is not just about gender equality. It's about diversity, inclusivity, and the power of different perspectives. Diverse teams foster innovation, creativity, and problem-solving skills. Embracing an inclusive environment opens doors to a world of possibilities.
Let's acknowledge the incredible contributions of women engineers around the globe, applaud their achievements, and amplify their voices. Let's support and mentor young girls who dream of a future in engineering, and any career they are passionate about. Let us create a world where opportunities are limitless and where gender does not define one's potential.
Happy International Women in Engineering Day!