SERVICES by Raincloud
Whether you have a noise issue from mechanical or electrical equipment that is keeping residents awake at night or you need an educational presentation or training for your team, Raincloud can help.
Noise and Vibration Investigations
With decades of experience in troubleshooting noise issues, and a deep knowledge of the products and systems designed to mitigate vibration induced noise, we can help reduce the impact that unwanted noises can cause. Our reports are comprehensive and include actionable recommendations.
Staff Training and Education
Do your technicians require training on how to install vibration isolation or seismic restrain properly or do better understand the seismic section of the building code? Either virtual or in person, we can be a part of your staff's continuing education.
Vibration Isolation System Audits
Although typically simple and requiring little maintenance, over time, vibration isolation systems can stop functioning properly. We can review your systems and recommend repairs, adjustments and maintenance programs for your facility.
Presentations or 'Lunch and Learns'
Covering topics such as architectural acoustics, vibration isolation of MEP equipment, or the effects of seismic forces on resiliently mounts equipment, Raincloud is here to keep engineers and architects up to speed.
Sound Level Testing
We are equipped with a state of the art sound level meter with a Class 1 microphone and noise analyzing software and will provide easy to read reports.
Project Management
Once you have a report on a noise issue caused by vibration, the remedy can often involve many separate participants such as suppliers and various contractors. Raincloud can bring that team together and understands acoustics so you can be confident the job is done right.